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Book Description
Selected as one of the Top 10 Business Books by Booklist
"The Last Partnerships is an enormously enjoyable read."
--United Press International
The Last Partnerships narrates the rise and fall of the great financial houses--from the "Yankee Bankers" at the turn of the 19th century, up to Goldman Sachs's historic IPO in 1999-- tracing their origins, their successes and failures over the years, and the reasons for their ultimate demise.
From Publishers Weekly
Despite the subtitle, this book doesn't throw wide the back-room doors of major investment banking and brokerage firms like Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers. Instead, it provides a general history of Wall Street, organized in chronological chapters, each featuring two famous houses. The first chapter covers 1812 to 1873, focusing on Clark Dodge and Jay Cooke. The last chapter runs from the 1930s to the present, featuring Lazard Freres and Goldman Sachs. Most of the material can be found in the author's previous works, 100 Years of Wall Street and Wall Street: A History. This reorganization might have yielded new insights had it shown how certain firms helped shape their time and place, and vice versa, or perhaps if it had focussed on the passing of the torch from era to era. As it stands, Ron Chernow's The Death of the Banker and Martin Mayer's The Bankers and even Geisst's previous works are more compelling and better written. Still, Geisst has more understanding of finance than most popular financial historians; despite the drawbacks of this Wall Street history, it represents the various firms fairly and aptly.
From Booklist
Geisst is the author of Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates (2000) and Wall Street: A History (1997). He now turns his attention to the investment banking houses that helped finance American growth. Although the names of these financial dynasties are still familiar, the partnerships on which they were built have ceased to exist. From the War of 1812 until the end of World War II, however, they were conferred celebrity status and were also the "subjects of folklore, envy, and political vilification, and notorious symbols of wealth and power." They sold Union war bonds to fund the Civil War, financed the first transatlantic steamship service, supplied capital for industry, and helped build this country's cultural institutions. Geisst profiles Clark Dodge and Jay Cooke; the Seligmans, Lehman Brothers, and Kuhn Loeb; Brown Brothers Harriman and August Belmont; Kidder Peabody and Dillon Read; J. P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley; Merrill Lynch and E. F. Hutton; Salomon Brothers and Drexel Burnham; and Goldman Sachs and Lazard Freres.
David Rouse
From Library Journal
Geisst (Wall Street: A History; Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates) here provides a history of U.S. investment banking over the past 200 years. As the title indicates, investment banking has shifted from partnership activity to corporate ownership. Geisst creditably describes the forces at work in the creation of capital, providing some sociological context through ethnicity and gender issues. Geisst accounts for a number of factors that have caused investment banking to undergo a sea change: increasingly high dollar amounts, the ability of inexperienced traders to bankrupt firms, and the demise of relationship banking. He shows how cutthroat competition changed investment banking from a business based on relationships to one based on the deal itself. This book's appeal will be limited to those interested in financial history.
Steven Silkunas, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia
Book Dimension:
length: (cm)22 width:(cm) 14.5
1933年《证券法》完全改变了美国"信用度" (creditworthiness )的本质,它要求所有希望销售新证券的公司首先到一个政府代理机构登记备案。在此之前,股票和债券的承销商一直采纳的是皮尔朋特·摩根的主张,即私人关系构成了投资银行业的坚实基础。现在,公司的财务报表要向公众(投资者)披露,接受公众的审查。华尔街必须顺应时代进行改革。用更加时髦的话来说,那些以前只有公司和它们的银行家了解的信息现在也被赋予了一定程度的"透明度"。
1933年后,摩根银行选择了银行业务,证券承销业务则分到摩根斯坦利。摩根士丹利是由摩根的一位合伙人哈罗德·斯坦利(Harold Stanley)以及杰克的儿子亨利. S. 摩根(Henry S. Morgan) 领导的。摩根士丹利保持着自己在华尔街上公司证券承销方面排名第一的位置。通过多年来坚持不懈地为客户提供相同品牌的批发投资银行业务,诸如承销、并购和财务顾问服务,摩根士丹利继续在业内保持着领先地位。到50 年代末期,承销业务领域的竞争开始形成,但是,此后又经过了10 多年,方才有像美林、所罗门兄弟公司这样的"暴发户"式的新贵商号对公司证券承销业务发起剧烈的冲击。
由于通讯和计算机技术的发展,全球市场的联系变得越来越紧密,对诸如外汇交易、欧洲债券交易、贸易融资的全球服务需求甚旺。单纯从事传统券商的承销业务的摩根斯坦利受到了像所罗门兄弟公司、高盛以及美林这样的以交易为导向的商号的挑战。在竞争的压力下,直到20 世纪70 年代,摩根士丹利方才在自己的业务活动之中增加了投资管理、股票研究和政府债券分析,但它继续依赖承销以及并购来获得收益。
1974年,摩根斯坦利帮助国际镍镉公司(Intemational Nickel) 提供对ESB一一一家电池制造商的收购。事实上打破了一项长期沿袭的传统,即一家公司对另一家公司实施非其所愿的收购时,投资银行家通常都会置身事外,不会引火上身。这一结果也为接下来10 年中的兼并活动设定了战线。摩根士丹利发现自己担当收购方的顾问、设计收购报价的时候,高盛常常就是目标公司的反收购顾问。
1914 年初,查尔斯.E.美林商号( Charles E. Merrill & Co. )正式成立了。这家商号专门从事将股票销售给客户的业务,同时也参与承销业务。这是未来的零售经纪业务主导者之一。
1969 年韦恩伯格去世之后,高盛的首席交易员列维接管了高盛的领导权。他们俩在许多方面都很不相同。韦思伯格来自传统的投资银行业,列维则习惯于交易室和投机以牟取暴利。80年代后新的高盛与其说是一家投资银行,不如说是一家交易商。1989 年,投资银行业务占到高盛利润的350毛;而到1993 年的时候,它的投资银行利润只占总利润的16% 。兼并和收购的收人也大幅滑落,而交易,尤其是自营交易弥补了这方面的缺憾。
在1999,高盛的首次公开发行总算与投资者见面了。当时,高盛是第二大的首次公开发行项目并且取得了10 倍的超额认购率。高盛得到了它需要的资本,结束了它作为华尔街最有效率也最具赢利能力的合伙制企业的历史。
19 世纪,绝大多数历史悠久的合伙制企业都是由这样一些强有力的家长式的人物领导的,他们为自己的商号定下日常议程。他们会决定自己的商号能够在一笔交易之中承担多大的风险;他们的商号能够参与什么样的行动。通常,他们的视野就决定了商号的成功,但是,他们的接班人却往往无法企及前辈的风采。
Book Description
Selected as one of the Top 10 Business Books by Booklist
"The Last Partnerships is an enormously enjoyable read."
--United Press International
The Last Partnerships narrates the rise and fall of the great financial houses--from the "Yankee Bankers" at the turn of the 19th century, up to Goldman Sachs's historic IPO in 1999-- tracing their origins, their successes and failures over the years, and the reasons for their ultimate demise.
From Publishers Weekly
Despite the subtitle, this book doesn't throw wide the back-room doors of major investment banking and brokerage firms like Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers. Instead, it provides a general history of Wall Street, organized in chronological chapters, each featuring two famous houses. The first chapter covers 1812 to 1873, focusing on Clark Dodge and Jay Cooke. The last chapter runs from the 1930s to the present, featuring Lazard Freres and Goldman Sachs. Most of the material can be found in the author's previous works, 100 Years of Wall Street and Wall Street: A History. This reorganization might have yielded new insights had it shown how certain firms helped shape their time and place, and vice versa, or perhaps if it had focussed on the passing of the torch from era to era. As it stands, Ron Chernow's The Death of the Banker and Martin Mayer's The Bankers and even Geisst's previous works are more compelling and better written. Still, Geisst has more understanding of finance than most popular financial historians; despite the drawbacks of this Wall Street history, it represents the various firms fairly and aptly.
From Booklist
Geisst is the author of Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates (2000) and Wall Street: A History (1997). He now turns his attention to the investment banking houses that helped finance American growth. Although the names of these financial dynasties are still familiar, the partnerships on which they were built have ceased to exist. From the War of 1812 until the end of World War II, however, they were conferred celebrity status and were also the "subjects of folklore, envy, and political vilification, and notorious symbols of wealth and power." They sold Union war bonds to fund the Civil War, financed the first transatlantic steamship service, supplied capital for industry, and helped build this country's cultural institutions. Geisst profiles Clark Dodge and Jay Cooke; the Seligmans, Lehman Brothers, and Kuhn Loeb; Brown Brothers Harriman and August Belmont; Kidder Peabody and Dillon Read; J. P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley; Merrill Lynch and E. F. Hutton; Salomon Brothers and Drexel Burnham; and Goldman Sachs and Lazard Freres.
David Rouse
From Library Journal
Geisst (Wall Street: A History; Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates) here provides a history of U.S. investment banking over the past 200 years. As the title indicates, investment banking has shifted from partnership activity to corporate ownership. Geisst creditably describes the forces at work in the creation of capital, providing some sociological context through ethnicity and gender issues. Geisst accounts for a number of factors that have caused investment banking to undergo a sea change: increasingly high dollar amounts, the ability of inexperienced traders to bankrupt firms, and the demise of relationship banking. He shows how cutthroat competition changed investment banking from a business based on relationships to one based on the deal itself. This book's appeal will be limited to those interested in financial history.
Steven Silkunas, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia
Book Dimension:
length: (cm)22 width:(cm) 14.5
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